There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays!
On December 12 or 13, join us from the comfort of your own home and enjoy a delicious brunch prepared by Houston’s own James Beard Award Winning Chef, Chris Shepherd! It will be the perfect way to kick off the holiday season while supporting The Women’s Home.
And you can make the event your own! Invite family or a few friends, wear your most elegant threads or your most comfy loungewear, watch an inspiring video from The Women’s Home, and dine on a delectable menu Chris is creating just for us.
More details coming soon!
Award Honorees
It is with great pleasure that we announce the incredible individuals who make our mission possible by supporting vulnerable women and families in Houston as they reclaim their lives.
Lifetime Achievement Award: Jim Drew
Media Sponsor
Become a Sponsor
Download Sponsorship Opportunities in PDF format or fill out this form.
Please mail checks to the address below and indicate “There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays” in the memo line:
The Women’s Home
607 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77006
2020 Event Chair
Diane Riley
2020 Host Committee
Peg Austin
Mary Axelrad
Deborah Bauer
Wendy Bernstein
Jan Carson
Barbara Catechis
Jane Cizik
Donna Cole
Emily Crosswell
Mikki Donnelly
Jim Drew
Lesha Elsenbrook
Karen Fox
Beatrice Garza
Karen Ostrum George
Tricia Georgiou
Connie Haddox
Janice Hall
Dr. Shannon Hayes
Trish Hayes
Mignon Heizer
Megan Hotze
Judy Jackson
Kay Joyce
Kathy Kline
Harriett Latimer
Debby Leighton
Paula Letbetter
Chris Lukens
Cora Sue Mach
Jane Marmion
Karen Marti
Laura & Brad McWilliams
Trini Mendenhall
Susan Morrison
Trish Morille
Jane Parker
Adele Pieper
Jackie Phillips
Gordon Quan
Jo Reid
Bea & Patrick Riley
Dr. Lizabeth & Tom Riley
Deborah Rossi
Becky Rush
Diane Schumacher
Gina Sheil
Beth & Marcus St. Raymond
Heida Thurlow
Martha Turner
Betty Tutor
Dinah Weems
Jeanie Kilroy Wilson
Emily Clark | Development Specialist