Mabee WholeLife® Service Center

1905 Jacquelyn Drive, Houston, TX 77055 | 713-328-1963

Parking located at 1838 Johanna Drive

In the fall of 2017, The Women’s Home began offering services at the Mabee WholeLife® Service Center located next door to our housing complex, Jane Cizik Garden Place. This 30,000 square foot service center is a multi-purpose facility that collaborates with community partners offer a variety of services to enhance the wellness and stability of families in our housing programs and the surrounding neighborhood.

The WholeLife® Collaborative

Enhancing the wellness and stability of vulnerable families requires a holistic approach, and The Women’s Home has developed a coalition of social service agencies, the WholeLife® Collaborative, that works collectively to offer programs and services at our Mabee WholeLife® Service Center. Together with our 20 collaborative partners, we offer integrated care to thousands of low-income individuals in Spring Branch East, including the following services:

  • Primary Health Care
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Peer Support and Recovery Services
  • Prevention and Intervention Services
  • Youth Development Programming
  • Financial Literacy and Adult Education
  • Case Management and Referral Services
  • Basic Needs and Other Crisis Assistance

We are working diligently to help our neighbors in Spring Branch East weather the social and economic impacts of the on-going pandemic.

Educational Services for Children

Research done by the U.S. Government has shown that afterschool programs have a positive effect on the academic, social, and physical growth of a child.[i] Our service center has over 15,000 square feet of educational space dedicated for children including special areas specifically designed for creative movement and the arts. The facility also features a Certified Outdoor Classroom designed by Nature Explore, a non-profit dedicated to enhancing children’s lives through research-based outdoor classroom design services, educator workshops, and natural products.

Educational Services for Adults

Research done by the Corporation for Enterprise Development has revealed that 20% of households in Houston live in poverty and 52% are financially vulnerable. These families do not have enough money to live above the poverty level for just three months if they face a minor setback. This situation is worse for households of color in our area – 66% of African-American households and 74% of Hispanic households are liquid asset poor. These families need comprehensive support services to help them overcome obstacles and achieve lasting stability.[1]

Over 6,000 square feet within the Center was designed specifically for adult education and workforce development training. This space features a 30-unit computer lab for online coursework. In the future, we plan to offer Adult Basic Education (ABE), General Educational Development (GED), English as a Second Language (ESL), college courses and other specialized workforce development training. We are also in the planning stages of designing four distance learning classrooms equipped with smart board and video conferencing technology. We will also be opening a legal clinic to be housed at the WLSC. Many families in Spring Branch East face legal problems and have no financial resources to hire an attorney.


[1] Citi Bank, CFED, Center for Public Priorities (2015). Building Financial Resilience in Houston: A Data Profile. Family Assets Count – Building Financial Resilience in Amercia, 1-9.

[i] “Benefits for Youth, Families, & Communities.” Benefits for Youth, Families, & Communities | Youth.Gov,

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